Mountain Canyon Condominiums Violation Policy

Mountain Canyon Condominiums strives to have a friendly community with well-maintained homes on every street for those that live, rent or visit the community. Home and yard maintenance are the responsibility of each individual homeowner within Mountain Canyon Condominiums and governing documents help guide and outline some of those responsibilities.

Please help prevent unnecessary letters and cost to your association by complying with outlined documents and maintaining your home and yard on a consistent basis. Your management company has been tasked with enforcement and substantial related costs may become the responsibility of each homeowner that does not comply with the community’s governing documents.

Establishment of a Violation:

  1. Architectural. Any improvement of any kind or nature erected, placed, painted or altered on any Lot which has not been first approved in writing by the governing Architectural Review Committee (“ARC”) or which does not in all respects conform to what has been approved is deemed a “ Violation” under this Enforcement Policy for all purposes.
  2. Use Restrictions. Any activity or condition allowed to continue on any Lot that is in direct opposition to the CC&R’s, which is not expressly authorized, by the Board or ARC is deemed a “Violation” under this enforcement policy for all said purposes.
  3. “Member” is considered the Owner of Record or Lot Owner. (On occasions when a renter occupies the premises, a copy of said violation will also be sent to their attention.)

Please review the Mountain Canyon Condominiums HOA VIOLATION ENFORCEMENT POLICY for further details.

Review sample violation letters.