A declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (the “CC&R’s”) has been recorded to establish a uniform development plan for Mountain Park Ranch Homeowners Association. Each homeowner’s property is subject to the CC&R’s that, among other things, provides for the collection of an annual maintenance fee and establishes an Architectural Review Committee (ARC). The annual maintenance fee will be collected on a semi-annual basis on January 1st and July 1st. In accordance with the CC&R’s, the Architectural Review Committee has adopted design guidelines (available at the association office) to evaluate and approve all construction in Mountain Park Ranch Homeowners Association to ensure that it is architecturally consistent with the community master plan. This evaluation and approval will be based on an architectural request form provided by the association, submitted by the homeowner/member and inspections done by the staff and committee members. The homeowner is obligated to answer all questions on the form fully and accurately. Failure to do so, ambiguity in design or faulty measurements could result in a delay of consideration or rejection of the application. Construction should not deviate from the plans approved by the ARC. In the event that changes are required, a new request must be submitted and approved prior to the start of the project. All approvals are written and never given verbally. All approved work must be completed within ninety (90) days of the date of approval.
Pursuant to Article V, Section 3 of the CC&R’s, the Board of Directors has adopted the following rules and regulations, which are intended to supplement, summarize or detail certain major components of the CC&R’s and design guidelines of which all homeowners should be aware. However, in the event of a conflict between these rules and the CC&R’s or the design guidelines, the provisions of the CC&R’s and the design guidelines shall prevail over any provisions contained in these rules.
The rules establish standards for constructing and remodeling residences and defining community rules concerning property use. The rules also demonstrate the importance each homeowner plays in maintaining the quality environment of Mountain Park Ranch Homeowners Association. Your compliance is necessary to make Mountain Park Ranch Homeowners Association a lastingly beautiful community.
You may download and review the Rules for Community Living in its entirety by clicking here.
This document contains General Principles, Building Architecture Guidelines, Landscaping Guidelines, General Property Restrictions and explains the Violation Enforcement process.
For any questions, please contact our office.
© 2024 Mountain Canyon Condominiums HOA| Site Developed by Congruity Solutions, LLC