Any alterations, repairs, excavations, grading, landscaping or other work that that will alter the appearance of the outside of your home must first be approved by the architectural review committee. All applications are due by noon 8 days prior to the ACR Meeting, which is held on the second Tuesday of each month. Please allow 30 days for reply on your request.
In order to keep the HOA’s database current and to better serve you, we ask that all new homeowners fill out this form so that the appropriate information can be distributed to the right people.
Along with the Architectural Review Form, all paint change requests must have the paint addendum form attached.
Any member of the association may examine the financial and business records of the Association under the following conditions and guidelines: Financial and business records listed herein shall be made reasonably available for inspection and copying by any member or their authorized agent(s) during regular business hours at the Association’s principal office.
The MPR Board of Directors under the rule making authority granted by the CC&R’s has adopted the information stated within in the above tenant form. The Rules and Regulations of the Association are not limited to those appearing there and are subject to change, and all Members are subject to those changes, regardless of the date of signing this agreement.
Along with the Architectural Review Form, all window change requests must have the window addendum form attached.
Prior to construction of a swimming pool, please contact MPRHOA.
© 2024 Mountain Canyon Condominiums HOA| Site Developed by Congruity Solutions, LLC