Preparations are now underway for the Mountain Park Ranch Homeowners Association (MPRHOA) Annual Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 15, 2024.  Two (2) of the five Board of Director positions will be voted on this year.  Nominations are now being accepted in the MPR Office for the open positions up until July 5, 2024.  Any Member interested in serving on the Board should contact Jim Welch, Executive Director, at the Mountain Park Ranch office at 480-704-5000 or  for further information. MPRHOA By-laws allow Board Members to serve two consecutive two-year terms.

Mountain Park Ranch Homeowners Association,3236 E Chandler Blvd
Phoenix, AZ 85048
(FAX) 623-283-1800 – Website:

2024 Annual Meeting Questions:

Jim Welch opened the floor for questions and said questions and responses would also be posted on the MPRHOA website.

Question: In enforcement of vehicles parking on the street for more than 24 hours, how do we find out who a vehicle belongs to?

Answer: As far as being an HOA violation, there are specific restrictions that we enforce.  If we cannot determine it by asking neighbors etc., the police have access to the registration records and they can pursue any code violations with the owner.

Question:  How is the way we have been enforcing the parking violations affected different than the statute?

Answer:  The Arizona state statute proposes that any type of vehicle parking on the street would be allowed.  The HOA restricts certain types of vehicles now. A “yes” vote will allow the HOA to continue to restrict the parking issues as violations.

Question:  Can we get a special permit for RV parking for more than 24 hours? 

Answer:  This is not something that the HOA offers.

Question: Please explain 1 million in pool expenses expected for 2053.

Answer: Our current reserve study indicates that in year 2053 the pools need to have the surface redone.  We have allocated funds to build up so when this time comes monies will be available since we are following what the reserve study tells us.

Question: Have we had any city citations on our pools?

Answer:  We have minor violations on occasion but nothing where we would have to close the pools because of a city citation.

Comment/Question: A member complimented ProQual on safety. She also asked if we could contact the city in regard to the deterioration of the Thunderhill bridge.


  • Scott Murray from ProQual thanked her for the compliment as safety is always a concern for ProQual.  
  • Jim Welch said we can contact the city about the bridge and she was also encouraged to call them, as more voices are more effective.

Jim Welch asked again if there were any more questions.  With no other questions or comments, Jim Welch thanked all for attending the meeting.

📄2024 Affidavit of Election Results

📄2023 Affidavit of Election Results
